Privacy Policy

Version 1.0 of 16.08.2022
Protection of personal data of individuals is of great importance for Additional Liability Company «Ancor-M» (hereinafter referred to as "Ancor-M", "we"). The document titled "Policy of processing of personal data of applicants (candidates) and website visitors" (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") describes in detail what kind of information we collect to provide our services to job seekers and to interact with site visitors, and how such information is processed.
Ancor-M processes personal data of applicants (candidates) and website visitors on legal grounds in accordance with part 3 of Article 4 of the Law No. 99-3 of 07.05.2021 On Personal Data Protection, for example, to fulfill the terms of the offer accepted by the applicant (candidate), or on the basis of the consent granted to processing of personal data.
As a personal data operator, we have implemented multiple technical and organizational measures to ensure the fullest possible protection of personal data. However, if you do not wish to transfer your personal data over the Internet, you can select alternative methods (for example, personal delivery at Ancor-M office).
Who we are and how to contact us
Additional Liability Company «Ancor-M»
Registered address: 220030, Belarus, Minsk, prospect Nezavisimosty 11/2, office 316
Telephone: +375 17 216-26-09 +375 17 228-16-75
ANCOR Group companies
«Ancor-M» ALC, registered in the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Belarus, code of registration 101161885, registered office at 220030, Belarus, Minsk, prospect Nezavisimosty 11/2, office 316,,
«Ancor Marketing» CJSC, registered in the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Belarus, code of registration 191301444, registered office at 220030, Belarus, Minsk, prospect Nezavisimosty 11, 2/2, office 316-4,,
«Ancor BY» CJSC, registered in the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Belarus, code of registration 191301444, registered office at 220020, Belarus, Minsk, Pobediteley street, 100, office 207,,
”ANCOR” JSC, registered in Register of Legal Entities of the Russian Federation, code of registration 1147746305244, registered office at Ostapovskiy proezd, 5, bld. 12, floor 2, office 200, 109316, Moscow, Russian Federation,,
”Heliosoft” LLC, registered in Register of Legal Entities of the Russian Federation, code of registration 1097746853918, registered office at Leninskaya Sloboda, 19, floor 4, room 1, 115280, Moscow, Russian Federation, ,
”ANCOR Pharma” LLC, registered in Register of Legal Entities of the Russian Federation, code of registration 1097746851553, registered office at per. Bolshoy Fakelnyj, 3, bld. 2, floor 3, premises I, room 35, 109004, Moscow, Russian Federation,,
“ANCOR HR solutions” LLC, registered in Register of Legal Entities of the Russian Federation, code of registration 1097746813119, registered office at Ostapovskiy proezd, 5, bld. 6, floor 2, office 211, 109316, Moscow, Russian Federation,,
“ANCOR FinTech” LLC, registered in Register of Legal Entities of the Russian Federation, code of registration 1137746041872, registered office at Leninskaya Sloboda, 19, floor 6, room 9E, 115280, Moscow, Russian Federation,,
“ANCOR Industrial solutions“ LLC, registered in Register of Legal Entities of the Russian Federation, code of registration 1167746088355, registered office at Ostapovskiy proezd, 5/1, bld. 3, floor 6, office 496, 109316, Moscow, Russian Federation,,
“ANCOR Recruitment” LLC, registered in Register of Legal Entities of the Russian Federation, code of registration 1097746455070, registered office at Leninskaya Sloboda, 19, floor 4, room 1, 115280, Moscow, Russian Federation,,
“ANCOR Consulting” LLC, registered in Register of Legal Entities of the Russian Federation, code of registration 1107746282643, registered office at bul. Entuziastov, 2, premises2, floor 13, 109544, Moscow, Russian Federation,,
“ANCOR Energy Services “ LLC, registered in Register of Legal Entities of the Russian Federation, code of registration 1057748988197, registered office at per. Bolshoy Fakelnyj, 3, bld. 2, floor 3, premises I, room 35, 109004, Moscow, Russian Federation,,
“ANCOR Business Solutions” LLC, registered in Register of Legal Entities of the Russian Federation, code of registration 1117746352811, registered office at Ostapovskiy proezd, 5/1, bld. 3, floor 6, office 497, 109316, Moscow, Russian Federation,,
“ANCOR Office Line” LLC, registered in Register of Legal Entities of the Russian Federation, code of registration 5157746127864, registered office at bul. Entuziastov, 2, premises2, floor 13, 109544, Moscow, Russian Federation,,
“ANCOR RightForce” LLC, registered in Register of Legal Entities of the Russian Federation, code of registration 5157746060148, registered office at bul. Entuziastov, 2, floor 21, 109544, Moscow, Russian Federation,
“GeekSource” LLC, registered in Register of Legal Entities of the Russian Federation, code of registration 1207700302347, registered office at bul. Entuziastov, 2, premises2, floor 13, 109544, Moscow, Russian Federation,
Principles of personal data processing
When processing of personal data, Ancor-M adheres to the following principles:
- performs processing of personal data on the legal and fair basis
- performs processing in transparent manner
- identifies specific legitimate purposes prior to processing (including collection of) of personal data
- collects only those personal data that is necessary and sufficient for the stated purpose of processing
- personal data processed by Ancor-M are accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date
- personal data storage limitation
- personal data are processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data
Terms and methods of personal data processing in Ancor-M
Processing of personal data in Ancor-M is performed solely on the proper legal basis: upon the person's consent obtained to processing of his or hers personal data, unless otherwise is stipulated in the applicable laws of the Republic of Belarus in the field of personal data.
Ancor-M does not process biometric personal data and special categories of personal data of website visitors and applicants (candidates) related to race, nationality, political views, religious or philosophical beliefs, or intimate life.
Ancor-M does not use the personal data of the personal data subjects to make decisions based solely on such data automated processing, which generate legal consequences for the personal data subject or otherwise affect their rights and legal interests.
Ancor-M processes personal health data solely to the extent required to comply with the labor laws of the Republic of Belarus.
In case of cross-border transfer of personal data to countries that do not protect the rights of personal data subjects, save for the instances, where provided for under the laws of the Republic of Belarus, the cross-border transfer of data shall be effected on the basis of a separate written consent.
Ancor-M does not publish personal data in publicly available sources without a specific prior written consent of the personal data subject.
Ancor-M does not disclose, transfer or distribute personal data to third parties without a proper legal basis. For the purpose of transferring personal data of personal data subjects, third parties shall be warned by Ancor-M without fail about confidentiality of the transferred information.
Ancor-M may engage third parties for processing of personal data upon consent of the personal data subject, unless otherwise is stipulated by the laws of the Republic of Belarus, on the basis of appropriate agreement entered into with such persons (hereinafter referred to as the "operator's" order).
Persons who process personal data on the basis of a contract entered into with Ancor-M (operator's order), undertake to comply with the principles and rules of processing and protection of personal data provided for by the laws of the Republic of Belarus. For each third party, a contract establishes a list of actions (transactions) with personal data to be performed by a third party processing personal data, the purposes of processing personal data, establishes the obligation of such a person to respect confidentiality and ensure security of personal data during processing, specifies the requirements for protection of processed personal data in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Belarus.
When Ancor-M contracts other person for processing of personal data, Ancor-M is responsible to the personal data subject for actions of such third person. A person processing personal data on behalf of Ancor-M, who is operator of personal data, shall be liable to Ancor-M.
Ancor-M shall process personal data by the following methods:
- with the use of automation tools, inter alia, using information technologies and technical facilities, including computer equipment, IT and technical complexes and networks, facilities and systems for transmitting, receiving and processing personal data, specialist software (operating systems, database management systems, etc.), information security tools used in IT systems
- without using automation tools.
The set of operations performed by Ancor-M for processing personal data of applicants (candidates) and website visitors includes collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (provision, access), blocking, deletion, incineration of personal data.
Personal data processed by Ancor-M, grounds for processing, purposes of processing and processing deadlines
Processing purpose Processed data Legal basis Deadlines for storage Assistance in finding employment or organizing other types of cooperation with a potential employer, informing about emerging career opportunities, conducting a preliminary interview for employment or other types of employment, providing services/performing work on the basis of a civil contract, as well as for the purpose of carrying on Ancor-M activities related to human resources management and labor market analysis -
Applicants (candidates):
- surname, first name and patronymic;
- sex;
- photo;
- contact telephone number;
- email address;
- date of birth;
- citizenship;
- city and area of residence;
- address of personal web page in social networks;
- readiness to move and travel;
- marital status;
- work experience;
- information about education obtained;
- information about previous employment;
- level of computer proficiency ;
- level of foreign language proficiency;
- salary expectations;
- evaluation characteristics made by an employee of the Company;
- other PD to be included at your discretion into your resume;
- references from previous employers
Public offer accepted by the applicant (candidate) Until termination of the public offer Mailing marketing materials and conducting social surveys -
Job seekers:
- email address;
- IP Address
- sex;
- age group;
- level of education;
- information about existence of employment relationship at the time of the survey;
- industry previously worked in;
- professional specialization;
- region of residence;
- other data collected through specific social surveys
Applicant's consent to data processing Before withdrawal of the consent to data processing Communicating information to unlimited number of people about ANCOR activities -
Website visitors:
- cookies;
- IP addresses;
- other automatically collected data, and specifically:
- URL pages;
- page referrer;
- page title;
- browser and its version;
- operating system and its version;
- device model;
- screen height and width;
- information about whether the user has cookies and JavaScript enabled (ECMAScript);
- JavaScript events (maintaining a log of the user's interactions with the website, including the use of JavaScript API methods on the website, for example, sending a form, scrolling a page);
- time zone;
- browser language;
- screen color depth;
- width and height of the client part of the browser window;
- gender, age, and interests of website users;
- geographical data;
- page load parameters (for example, time before rendering and server response time);
- data about the pages viewed and the session, clicks on external links, file downloads, bounces, time spent on the website, and viewing depth
Consent of the website user to data processing - Cookie files– in accordance with the Cookie files Policy;
- Other data – until withdrawal of the consent to data processing
Feedback from website users (including a publication of a review) -
Website visitors (including job seekers and customer representatives):
- surname and forename;
- place of employment (company name);
- contact telephone number;
- email address;
- other PD you will include in your review yourself
Consent of the website user to data processing Before withdrawal of the consent to data processing Subscription for the newsletter (vacancies, news) -
Website visitors:
- forename;
- email address;
Consent of the website user to data processing Before withdrawal of the consent to data processing -
Source of personal data
The personal data of applicants (candidates) can be obtained by the Ancor-M directly from you personally, from your representative who acts in your interests, or from the work sites on which you have posted your resume in accordance with the terms of use of the sites.
Personal data of the website visitors may be obtained by Ancor-M directly from you personally, from your representative who acts in your interests, or from your devices used by you to access the website.
Recipients of personal data to whom the Ancor-M may transmit the data
- Ancor-M clients - potential employers;
- Ancor-M group of persons stipulated herein above (in the meaning of the term defined in Article 8 of the Law "On counteraction to monopolistic activity and competition development" No. 94-3 of 12/12/2013 of the Republic of Belarus);
Transfer purpose: support of Ancor-M information systems.
Personal data protection
Ancor-M implements a set of measures aimed at ensuring security of personal data in the process of Ancor-M management and business operations.
To protect personal data, Ancor-M has the following measures in place:
- appointment of the person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data and the person responsible for ensuring security of personal data in information systems;
- development and approval of local acts for processing and protection of personal data;
- use of information security tools;
- discovery of unauthorized access to personal data and taking measures to prevent such incidents in the future;
- recovery of personal data modified or destroyed as a result of unauthorized access to it;
- establishing rules for access to personal data processed in information systems, as well as ensuring registration and keeping a record of all actions performed with personal data in information systems;
- maintaining control over the measures undertaken to ensure security of personal data and the level of security of information systems;
- assessment of the harm that may be caused to subjects of personal data in case of breach of requirements of laws, ratio between such harm measures undertaken by Ancor-M to secure obligations established by laws;
- compliance with terms and conditions preventing unauthorized access to tangible carriers of personal data and to secure safety of personal data;
- having those Ancor-M employees who are directly engaged in the processing of personal data, informed of the provisions of laws applicable to personal data, including requirements to protection of personal data, local acts regulating processing and protection of personal data;
- organizing the procedure for destruction of information containing personal data;
- advising Ancor-M employees for preventing of threatened risk of loss of personal data;
- organization of access control to Ancor-M;
- organization of procedures for protection and security of Ancor-M areas, buildings, premises.
Rights and obligations of Ancor-M as an operator of personal data
Ancor-M is authorized to:
- provide personal data to governmental and other competent authorities, if provided for by the laws of the Republic of Belarus (tax, law enforcement agencies, etc.);
- refuse to provide personal data in cases stipulated by the laws of the Republic of Belarus;
- process personal data of the subject without such subject's consent, in cases provided for by the laws of the Republic of Belarus.
Ancor-M is obligated to:
- provide personal data subjects, upon their request, with information related to processing of their personal data;
- explain to the personal data subjects the legal consequences of their refusal to provide Ancor-M with their personal data, subject to the condition that such data shall be provided in mandatory manner in accordance with the laws of Republic of Belarus;
- if personal data is not received from the personal data subject, save for instances set out in part 3 of Article 4 of the Law No. 99-3 of 07.05.2021 On Personal Data Protection, before processing of such personal data, to provide the personal data subject with the following information:
- name or surname, first name, patronymic and address of the Operator or the Operator`s representative
- the purpose of personal data processing and its legal basis;
- designated users of personal data;
- the rights of the personal data subject;
- source of personal data collection;
- for the purpose of collecting personal data, inter alia, via Internet, to secure recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction of personal data of the citizens of the Republic of Belarus using databases located in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
Rights of the personal data subject
If Ancor-M processes your data based on your consent to processing of personal data, you can revoke1 such consent at any time.
You may receive information 2 regarding processing of your personal data, its clarification or deletion3, right to appeal against the actions performed by Ancor-M4, and are entitled to compensation and indemnification of losses.5
To exercise your rights, please contact us.
Changes in this Policy
This Policy may be amended from time to time to reflect possible changes in our personal data processing processes. We will notify you of any material changes to this Policy. The relative notices may be posted on the website (for example, in a pop-up window or banner) before such changes take effect, or may be sent to you via other communication channels (for example, by email, if you have provided us with your contact details).
The date of the most recent change and the current version shall be stated at the beginning of the Policy.
Appendix 1 Form for revoking consent to the processing of personal data
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
(Forename, Surname, Patronymic) / (Full name)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,
(passport data or other information enabling you to identify the subject of personal data, for example, date of birth, email, mobile phone)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I withdraw from Additional Liability Company «Ancor-M» (registered address: 220030, Belarus, Minsk, prospect Nezavisimosty 11/2, office 316) and its group of persons 6 my consent granted to processing of my personal data for (select, whichever is applicable):
- mailing marketing materials and conducting social surveys;
- providing feedback to the Ancor-M on the website (including publication of the review);
- subscription for the newsletter (vacancies, news)
- other purposes:
Please stop processing my personal data within a period not exceeding fifteen days 7 from the date of receipt of this review.
signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /
Full name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /
date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /