Consent to the processing
of personal data

An individual (hereinafter referred to as the "Subject"), in accordance with the Law No. 93-3 of 07/05/2021 On Personal Data Protection, acting freely, without being forced to do so, acting in his/her own interests, confirming his/her legal capacity, does hereby give his/her consent to Additional Liability Company «Ancor-M» (registered address: 220030, Belarus, Minsk, prospect Nezavisimosty 11/2, office 316) (hereinafter referred to as the "Operator") to processing of his/her personal data. Acceptance of the Consent is the provision of personal data and the mark denoting consent to the terms of this document on the web page ("in the form of checked box").
Processing purpose | Maintaining communication between the Subject and the Operator on the matters arising. |
Categories of personal data |
Actions taken in relation to personal data | Collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (access), blocking, deletion, destruction |
Processing method | Automated/Non-automated |
Transfer to third parties | The personal data of the Subject may be transferred to third parties – legal entities incorporated in the Operator's Group of Persons1. |
Assignment to third parties | In order to support the Operator's information systems, the processing of the Subject's personal data may be contracted to TeamService LLC (111024, Moscow, 21/1, shosse Entuziastov) |
Consent validity period | Consent to the processing of personal data shall be given before realization of the processing purposes. |
Consent revoking procedure |
- The term "Group of persons" is used in the meaning of the term defined in Article 8 of the Law "On counteraction to monopolistic activity and competition development" No. 94-3 of 12/12/2013 of the Republic of Belarus.